March 17, 2020
Dear CCA Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for helping to make the distribution of your student’s materials last night and this morning smooth and successful. Your teachers worked diligently to prepare materials in a timely manner to accommodate parent schedules.
You can expect email/correspondence from your teachers no later than Wednesday, March 18. Since distance learning is new for most students, parents, and teachers, please be flexible and patient. It is important to keep the lines of communication open. Toward this end, after the first few days of hands-on operations, you will receive a survey that will help us calibrate the effort moving forward beyond the rest of this week.
We continue to partner with you to help your child reach his/her God-given potential. Accordingly, we encourage you to designate a quiet location for your student to do his/her school work each day. Just as it does in school at CCA, setting and enforcing a regular schedule will help maintain a sense of calm and consistency. As needed, please reach out directly to your child’s teacher with specific questions and concerns. We are in this together. There may be bumps along the way, but together we will succeed. Remember that God is ultimately using this time for His purposes. May we continue to give Him all the glory and honor that is due His name.
The CCA online prayer meeting scheduled 7-8 PM this evening can be accessed, using the Zoom video conferencing platform (that some of your child’s teachers will be using!), from your home with an internet connection at
Free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi services are being offered to households with children in school or college students who don’t have a Spectrum broadband subscription at any service level up to 100 Mbps. To enroll, call 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived. If you haven’t already done so, filtering applications such as Safe Eyes and Covenant Eyes are among those that have been recommended.
As you know, in-person play dates are discouraged! However, virtual play dates and connections with parent supervision, can occur through the use of free video conferencing platforms. We thank CCA parent Dr. Lucy Holmes for sharing the following link to an article by a UB Professor of Infectious Diseases describing how social distancing saves lives:
Please follow the guidelines that have been posted on our portal to best discuss the Coronavirus with your student. School Counselor Mr. Jesse Van Schoonhoven (, School Chaplain Mrs. Tammy Baldwin (, and School Nurse Mrs. Susan Terragnoli ( are available to assist you and your family should you have any questions or concerns.
In the spirit of the first Christian community in Acts 2:43-47, we have set up an online Google Spreadsheet of CCA community needs and provisions. If you have an excess of something you are willing to share (e.g., toilet paper?) and/or need something you don’t have (e.g., cleaning supplies), please send an email to We will begin to populate this list. “As we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10).
With you on the journey,
Stuart Chen, PhD PE
Interim Head of School